Apache Cassandra is a distributed NoSQL technology meant for large-scale data, so programmatic access to Cassandra is especially important. Cassandra supports client libraries in several major programming languages, like Java, Python, and C#. Developers use these to connect to Cassandra and to work with it from code. Begin by creating and using indexes in Cassandra. Then, define and invoke user-defined functions (UDFs) to perform aggregations. Finally, you'll create a Java Maven project with the datastax library as a dependency and connect to a Cassandra database using that library. You will create a Cassandra session, execute various operations using the datastax APIs, and confirm that these queries went through successfully. Upon completion, you will be able to create indexes on Cassandra tables, perform grouping and aggregation operations, leverage UDFs, and work programmatically with Cassandra from a Java client.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 61
Compliance Standards: AICC