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Layouts in Flutter (Online Courses)

Elevate your career trajectory with our premier online course, designed to sharpen your competitive edge. Explore our curated selection of top-tier digital programs to hone your skills and propel your professional journey forward. Experience transformative learning tailored to empower your career advancement in today's dynamic landscape.
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Price on Request
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This Course Includes
  • 5 hours 55 minutes
    of self-paced video lessons
  • 4 Programs
    crafting your path to success
  • Completion Certificate
    awarded on course completion

Layouts in Flutter: Building an Application Using Layouts & Navigation

Price on Request 1 hour 30 minutes
Mobile applications often have several pages. These pages need to be connected correctly using navigation and routing. In this course, you will explore how Flutter uses a stack data structure to enable navigation. You will use the Navigator class to navigate between pages and use named routes to improve the readability and robustness of navigation code. Next, you will bring together everything you have learned in this path to build a simple application for an e-commerce company using Material Design for Android devices and Cupertino widgets for iOS devices. Finally, you will learn to connect a device to Flutter and test your app on a mobile phone.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 97
Compliance Standards: AICC

Layouts in Flutter: Exploring Stateful Widgets

Price on Request 1 hour 20 minutes
Widgets in Flutter can be stateless or stateful. Stateless widgets have properties that do not change, while stateful widgets contain mutable states that can be updated. In this course, you will create Flutter widgets that hold state information in a different object. You will see how you can handle user actions that update state and how Flutter automatically redraws widgets when their state changes. Next, you will build and use a number of different stateful widgets such as counters, checkboxes, and widgets that update state based on a timer. You will share state across multiple widgets by storing state in a parent component, and you will use callbacks to allow child components to change the parent's state. Finally, you will learn to design layouts using the Column and Row widgets in Flutter.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 81
Compliance Standards: AICC

Layouts in Flutter: Implementing Basic Flutter Layouts

Price on Request 1 hour 30 minutes
The Flutter cross-platform framework offers a wide range of layout options to develop your application's pages. Flutter layouts enable you to create beautiful, responsive design for the right look and feel in your mobile applications. In this course, you will learn how Flutter widgets work, how they use composition to build complex user interface component hierarchies, and how the Flutter framework uses the element tree and render tree to render widgets to screen in an efficient way. Next, you will use Material Design components to create simple application pages. You will learn how to work with the Container, Text, Padding, and Image widgets to build elegant app pages. Finally, you will learn how to work with the Scaffold widget to create app pages that follow Material Design best practices.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 90
Compliance Standards: AICC

Layouts in Flutter: Implementing Stacks, Lists, & Grids in Flutter

Price on Request 1 hour 35 minutes
The stack, list, and grid layouts are very popular in mobile applications because they make great use of screen real estate and allow you to represent information in a manner that is easy for users to understand and parse. In this course, you will learn to use the Stack widget to layer widgets one on top of another. You will use relative and positioned widgets as a part of the stack and see that positioned widgets give you very fine-grained control over where a widget is placed. Next, you will represent elements using the ListView. You will configure the properties of the ListView to match your use case and use the ListTile and the Card widgets to build list elements. You will also build list views with an infinite number of elements. Finally, you will represent your app elements using the GridView.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 94
Compliance Standards: AICC