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Java SE 11 (Online Courses)

Elevate your career trajectory with our premier online course, designed to sharpen your competitive edge. Explore our curated selection of top-tier digital programs to hone your skills and propel your professional journey forward. Experience transformative learning tailored to empower your career advancement in today's dynamic landscape.
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This Course Includes
  • 20 hours 25 minutes
    of self-paced video lessons
  • 24 Programs
    crafting your path to success
  • Completion Certificate
    awarded on course completion

Java SE 11 Programmer II: Arrays & Program Flow Control

Price on Request 1 hour 5 minutes
Explore the structure of Java classes, as well as how to work with Java control statements, Java operators, and loops, along with other topics covered in this 11-video course. Begin with observing data manipulation by using the StringBuilder class and the methods that it provides, and then learn to use Java operators, including parenthesis to override operator precedence. You will then learn how to work with Java control statements including if, else, and switch. Next, you will discover how to create and work with do/while, while, for, and for each loops to control program flows. You will also declare, instantiate, initialize, and work with one-dimensional arrays, and declare, instantiate, initialize, and work with two-dimensional arrays and multi-dimensional arrays. Then you will observe how to declare and instantiate Java objects and illustrate an object's lifecycle. You will explore Java class definition, and in the final tutorial in this course, you will discover how to read and write to object fields. This is one course is a series to prepare for the 1Z0-816: Java SE 11 Programmer II certification exam.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 67
Compliance Standards: AICC

Java SE 11 Programmer II: Class Concepts & Managing Exceptions

Price on Request 1 hour
Explore how to compile and run modular projects, the semantics of anonymous classes, attributes and methods of Enum class, exception handling mechanisms in Java SE 11, among other topics covered in this 15-video course. Begin by declaring modules in Java 11 and enabling access between modules, and then compiling and running modular projects. Delve into creating and working with final classes in Java 11; creating and using inner classes; and working with nested classes in Java SE 11. Next, you will examine the benefits of anonymous classes, and then learn about creating anonymous classes. Following on from this, you will examine Java SE 11 Enum class attributes and Enum class methods, which can be used to handle enumeration in Java 11. Explore the Java 11 exception handling mechanism, with a focus on exception handling patterns; managing exceptions with try-with resource construct; creating and using custom exception classes; and in the final tutorial, using AssertionError class in Java SE 11 to indicate that an assertion has failed. This is one course is a series to prepare for the 1Z0-816: Java SE 11 Programmer II certification exam.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 60
Compliance Standards: AICC

Java SE 11 Programmer II: Concurrency Management

Price on Request 45 minutes
In this 12-video course, learners will explore threading problems, the different states of threads, and concurrency management packages, synchronization classes, memory consistency properties, and other topics. Begin the course with a look at common threading problems, including deadlocks and lifelocks. Next, you will learn to recall the essential states of threads with focus on Enum Thread.State. You will discover how to classify the information that can be retrieved by using ThreadInfo, and list the important packages that can be used to manage concurrency. Then take a look at the Executor interface and classes that can be used to get tunable thread pools, and list synchronization classes and memory consistency properties that can be used in concurrency. Learners will discover how to use the CountDownLatch and CyclicBarrier classes, and the ForkJoinPool and ForkJoinTask methods to manage concurrent tasks. To conclude the course, you will be asked to recall exceptions that can be thrown while working with concurrency, and use the TimeUnit enum. This is one course is a series to prepare for the 1Z0-816: Java SE 11 Programmer II certification exam.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 45
Compliance Standards: AICC

Java SE 11 Programmer II: Core Java Libraries

Price on Request 50 minutes
In this course, explore the features, libraries, and process application programming interfaces (APIs) introduced in JDK 11. Discover how to work with Java serialization filters, the JDEPRScan tool, and streams, along with several other topics. Begin this 11-video course by taking a look at the new features and libraries introduced in JDK 11, and also the core Java libraries. You will then look into working with Java serialization filters, the object of which is to control how to allow incoming streams of object serialized data to be filtered. This leads learners into observing how to create pattern-based filters and custom filters and discovering how to work with JDEPRScan. Next, you will delve into creating unmodifiable collections including lists, sets, and maps in Java 11, and then recall the essential process API capabilities in Java 11. You will examine the approach to creating processes in Java 11 and retrieving process information in Java 11. In the final tutorial in this course you will explore filtering processes in Java 11, including filtering processes with streams. This is one course is a series to prepare for the 1Z0-816: Java SE 11 Programmer II certification exam.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 48
Compliance Standards: AICC

Java SE 11 Programmer II: Core JVM Enhancements & Features

Price on Request 50 minutes
Explore the concept of HotSpot, how to control Java virtual machine (JVM) compiler with directives, the changes introduced in JDK 11, the performance enhancements in Oracle's Virtual Machine, and other topics covered in this 11-video course. Begin with a look at compiler directives, and how to control JVM compilation using compiler directives. Then examine some of the prominent changes introduced in the JDK 11 release from the perspective of JVM. Next, learn how to write directives in order to control compilation in JVM, and also explore the role of class data sharing in reducing application start-up time and memory footprint. Delve into the performance enhancements that were introduced in Oracle HotSpot virtual machine technology and look at the concept, the prominent features, and usage of Native Memory Tracking. Also, explore the concept of HotSpot Provider, along with various VM Lifecycle probes. To complete this course, learn the different approaches of how to transform null or empty strings into empty optional, and examine how to use nest-based access control in Java SE 11. This is one course is a series to prepare for the 1Z0-816: Java SE 11 Programmer II certification exam.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 49
Compliance Standards: AICC

Java SE 11 Programmer II: Database Applications

Price on Request 1 hour 30 minutes
In this 12-video course, you can explore the contents of the java.sql package, how various SQL types are mapped to classes and interfaces, and enhancements in the features of the javax.sql package. First, examine the Enum classes and their uses in Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) and RowSet objects that can be used to hold tabular data in Java SE 11, as well as other topics. Take a look at contents of the java.sql package, then observe how to connect to databases by using JDBC URL and DriverManager. You will use PreparedStatement to perform CRUD operations, and the PreparedStatement and CallableStatement application programming interfaces (APIs) to perform database operations. You will recall how various SQL types are mapped to classes and interfaces in Java; learn to recognize enhancements to features of the javax.sql package; and begin to use DatabaseMetaData and ParameterMetaData interfaces. Examine the Enum classes and how they are used in JDBC; list the RowSet objects used to hold tabular data; and finally, observe how to use RowSet objects for managing data. This is one course is a series to prepare for the 1Z0-816: Java SE 11 Programmer II certification exam.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 53
Compliance Standards: AICC

Java SE 11 Programmer II: Functional Programming in Java

Price on Request 40 minutes
Explore implementations of comparable subinterfaces, the features of the Collator and RuleBasedCollator classes, the rules of functional interfaces and their role in functional programming, and the structure and syntax of building Lambda expressions, along with other topics covered in this 12-video course. To begin, you will work with Comparator and Comparable interfaces, which leads into a closer look at Comparable subinterfaces and their implementations, and also the features of Collator and RuleBasedCollator as implementations of Comparator interfaces. Discover how to use RuleBasedCollator with specialized tailored rules; work with convenience factory methods for Collections; and recall the roles of functional interfaces and how they are used in functional programming, and then work with functional interfaces. Next, you will explore the structure and syntax of building Lambda expressions, and then create and use Lambda expressions in Java SE 11. In the final tutorial in this course, you will work with Lambda statements and use local-variable for Lambda parameters. This is one course is a series to prepare for the 1Z0-816: Java SE 11 Programmer II certification exam.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 41
Compliance Standards: AICC

Java SE 11 Programmer II: Implementing NIO.2

Price on Request 50 minutes
In this 13-video course, learners will explore the concept of NIO.2 (non-blocking I/O) architecture with a focus on Buffers, Channels, Charset, and Selector to perform various file operations, and then learn how to implement buffers in Java SE 11. You will recall the important attributes and methods of the Path and File classes; learn how to perform file I/O operations using NIO.2 classes, and perform metadata management using NIO.2. The next tutorial involves walking a file tree using NIO.2, and then learning how to watch directories for changes. Continue by learning to recall the essential channels that support asynchronous I/O operations, and then move on to discovering how to use asynchronous DataGram Channels and Multicasting. You will also examine how to implement completion handler to replace future objects. In the final tutorial in the course, learners will discover how to use the new methods that were added in Java SE 11 in the java.nio.file.files class. This is one course is a series to prepare for the 1Z0-816: Java SE 11 Programmer II certification exam.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 52
Compliance Standards: AICC

Java SE 11 Programmer II: Java Migration & Service Management

Price on Request 1 hour 5 minutes
Explore cyclic dependency, the different types and components of services, service design and development, service provider deployment as modules, and other topics covered in this 14-video course. Begin by observing how to migrate Java SE 9 and prior applications to SE 11 with top-down and bottom-up migration. You will learn how to split Java SE 8 applications into modules and migrate them to Java SE 11, and run modularized applications on classpath and modulepath. Explore the concept of cyclic dependency, and use JDeps to determine dependencies and identify approaches for addressing cyclic dependencies. Learn to recall essential service components, including directives; view the different service types, how to load services using ServiceLoader, and check for dependencies that include Consumer and Provider modules. Examine service design, service development, and service provider deployment as modules; obtain service loaders; and create worker threads using the Runnable and Callable interfaces and use ExecutorService to concurrently execute tasks. In the concluding tutorials, you will use java.util.concurrent collections and classes including CyclicBarrier and CopyOnWriteArrayList, and write thread-safe code. This is one course is a series to prepare for the 1Z0-816: Java SE 11 Programmer II certification exam.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 67
Compliance Standards: AICC

Java SE 11 Programmer II: Lambda Operations & Streams

Price on Request 1 hour 5 minutes
Explore the java.util.function package interfaces, roles of the Predicate, Consumer, Function, and Supplier interfaces, Stream data search approaches, and Optional class methods. Work with Lambda expressions, method references, and Function packages, and other topics covered in this 16-video course. To start, observe how to work with Lambda expressions and method references, then examine java.util.function package interfaces and their roles. Then work with interfaces in the Function package; recognize roles of the Predicate, Consumer, Function, and Supplier interfaces; and use these interfaces based on case studies. Explore Primitive and Binary variations of the Base interfaces of the java.util.function package; extract Stream data by using the map, peek, and flatMap methods; and search stream data with the findFirst, findAny, anyMatch, allMatch, and noneMatch methods. Use Stream API to search and match data; list Optional class methods, and use enhanced features of Optional class in Java SE 11. Perform calculations using the count, max, min, average and sum Stream operation; perform collection sorting using Lambda expressions, and use collectors with Stream, including groupingBy and partitioningBy operations. This is one course is a series to prepare for the 1Z0-816: Java SE 11 Programmer II certification exam.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 65
Compliance Standards: AICC

Java SE 11 Programmer II: Localization in Java

Price on Request 45 minutes
Learners can explore the concept of localization in Java SE 11, including locale management, using the Locale class, and resource bundles and their uses, in this 13-video. Discover how to format messages, dates, and numbers, as well as how to work with commonly used annotations and the Annotation package Enums. To begin, a look at locale management in Java SE 11, followed by practical usage of the Locale class. You will examine resource bundles and their uses and then learn to create and use resource bundles. Next, you will learn about enhanced formatting and how messages, dates, and numbers are formatted in Java SE 11; then format dates, numbers, and messages in Java SE 11, and describe the purpose of annotations and patterns and their typical uses. Discover how to apply annotations to classes and methods; recognize the commonly used predefined annotations in the Java SE 11 Development Kit; and build and declare custom annotations. The final tutorial involves listing the essential Annotation Enums that can help classify and specify retention policies. This is one course is a series to prepare for the 1Z0-816: Java SE 11 Programmer II certification exam.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 43
Compliance Standards: AICC

Java SE 11 Programmer II: Object-oriented Programming in Java

Price on Request 1 hour 5 minutes
In this 11-video course, you will discover object-oriented programming (OOP) basics, including how to create methods, overloaded methods, constructors with arguments, subclasses, and superclasses in Java. In the first tutorial, learners will observe how to create methods and constructors with arguments and return values, and then move on to creating and invoking overloaded methods in Java. Next, you will discover how to apply static keywords to methods and filter variables. In another tutorial, you will learn about the different approaches to applying access modifiers in Java, and then move onto exploring the application of the encapsulation principles to a class in Java. You will examine how to create and use a subclass and a superclass, and create and extend an abstract class. Following on from this, you will examine how to enable or implement polymorphism by overriding methods, and then learn how to utilize polymorphism to cast call methods and also differentiate object types from reference types. This is one course is a series to prepare for the 1Z0-816: Java SE 11 Programmer II certification exam.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 65
Compliance Standards: AICC

Java SE 11: Flow Control & Debugging

Price on Request 40 minutes
Discover how to implement flow control using ternary, if/else, and switch statements in Java. During this course, you will start by exploring the use of two dimensional arrays, enumerated types, and the debugging features of the NetBeans IDE. Next, see how to use a ternary conditional statement, and how to chain IF and ELSE constructs together. As you progress you will discover how to implement a SWITCH statement, and other key topics such as how to create a SWITCH statement based on an enumerated type. You will also learn how to employ the Eclipse debugger, set debugging breakpoints that halt program execution, and let you step through the code. Finally, you will inspect the value of variables to debug a program.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 42
Compliance Standards: AICC

Java SE 11: Inheritance, Lists, Inference, & Lambda Expressions

Price on Request 1 hour
Explore the use of inheritance through interfaces and interface casting. During this course, you will explore the functions of key Java elements. Key subject areas include the following: how to override the toString method, how to understand the Multiple Inheritance Dilemma, distinguish between interfaces and abstract classes and implement a Class Interface. Other topics include how to cast to an interface reference to allow object method access; how to study the array list class, and store objects with an array list. You'll also learn how to concatenate two arrays into a single ArrayList, convert an array to an ArrayList, and use the Stack collection, to push and pop objects. As you progress, you will observe how to employ the local variable type inference feature, to declare local variables, using var. Conclude by writing a simple lambda expression that consumes a predicate.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 60
Compliance Standards: AICC

Java SE 11: Inheritance, Polymorphism, & Abstraction

Price on Request 40 minutes
Examine the methods of polymorphism, inheritance and abstraction, in Java. During this course, you will discuss inheritance in the context of a Java class hierarchy. See how to create a subclass. Override a method in the superclass. Use the SUPER keyword, to reference the superclass. Discover Polymorphism. Cast a superclass reference to the subclass type. Test an object's type, with the INSTANCEOF operator. Contrast Abstract and Non-Abstract Classes. Finally, extend an abstract class and form a class hierarchy.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 41
Compliance Standards: AICC

Java SE 11: Introduction to Java SE & the NetBeans IDE

Price on Request 1 hour 30 minutes
Discover how to get up and running with the Java Development Environment and with the NetBeans IDE to create Java programs. During this course you will discover the purpose of a computer program and the nature of platform-dependency. Learn about Java classes, Java's program structure, and key Java language features. Confirm your Java Development Environment. Install and verify the Java Development Kit (JDK) on Linux. Compile and run a Java program from the command line. Install and explore the Netbeans IDE. Employ NetBeans to create a Java project and class and add a package to it. Write a main method. Use System.out.println and System.err.println to write to the console. Finally, conclude by recognizing NetBeans syntax errors.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 51
Compliance Standards: AICC

Java SE 11: JDK Objects & Nested Loops

Price on Request 45 minutes
Examine the nature and use of Java Development Kit (JDK) objects and nested loops. During this course, you will explore JDK API documentation to learn about Java class libraries. See how to display a date with the LocalDateTime object, with the Java DateTimeFormatter, or with the calendar. Parse a localized date and convert it to ISO format. Parse the ARGS array, and use it in the main method, to accept command line arguments. Observe how to use a WHILE loop construct and nest a WHILE loop. Run a standard FOR loop and nest a FOR loop within the body of another loop.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 43
Compliance Standards: AICC

Java SE 11: JShell

Price on Request 40 minutes
Explore the features and functions of the JShell REPL, read-eval-print loop process. During this course, you will discover how it differs from coding in an IDE, Integrated Development Environment. See how to launch Java's JShell, Create JShell snippets, JShell scratch, and traditional variables. Employ the list, edit, and drop JShell commands. Use the save and open JShell commands. Examine vars, method, types, and imports JShell commands. Enhance the IDE with JShell. Incorporate JShell in the NetBeans IDE.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 40
Compliance Standards: AICC

Java SE 11: Modular Design

Price on Request 40 minutes
Examine how to package Java applications through JAR files and explore modular development and distribution issues. During this course, you will start by learning how to deploy an application as a JAR file, to ease Java program management. Next, create a deployment JAR file in NetBeans. Run a JAR File from the Command Line. Discover client/server multitier architecture. From there, you will study the principles of modular design and development in Java and JDK 9, before examining JAR file distribution and dependency issues. Consider JDK 9 modules and class accessibility. Conclude, as an exercise, by creating and running a modular application.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 42
Compliance Standards: AICC

Java SE 11: Objects & Classes

Price on Request 55 minutes
Explore the essential elements of Java objects, classes, references and methods. During this course, you will discover the characteristics of a Java object. Define Java object components and properties. Use object references. Work with two References for one object. Study how an array of objects is stored in memory. Describe the basic forms of a constructor and a method. Other topics include how to create a class that implements a constructor, how to define method parameters, employ method overloading, and implement methods that return values of a specified type. Finally, you will study how to distinguish between local and instance variables.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 55
Compliance Standards: AICC

The JDBC API & Localization

Price on Request 40 minutes
Java is one of the most widely used development languages in the world today. Discover the JDBC API, connecting to databases, calling a resource bundle from an application, and changing locales and formatting text for localization.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 38
Compliance Standards: AICC

The JDBC API & Localization

Price on Request 30 minutes
Practical application of programming concepts is crucial to developing skills in a particular programming language. Discover the JDBC API and how to build and incorporate a user interface and work with Java applets.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 31
Compliance Standards: AICC

Working with Exceptions

Price on Request 20 minutes
Java is one of the most widely used development languages in the world today. Explore exception handling including catching and throwing exceptions, and best practices for exception handling.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 22
Compliance Standards: AICC

Working with File I/O

Price on Request 35 minutes
Java is one of the most widely used development languages in the world today. Discover the basics of input and output in Java, streams, and reading and writing objects by using serialization.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 36
Compliance Standards: AICC