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Programming - III (Online Courses)

Elevate your career trajectory with our premier online course, designed to sharpen your competitive edge. Explore our curated selection of top-tier digital programs to hone your skills and propel your professional journey forward. Experience transformative learning tailored to empower your career advancement in today's dynamic landscape.
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This Course Includes
  • 75 hours 10 minutes
    of self-paced video lessons
  • 55 Programs
    crafting your path to success
  • Completion Certificate
    awarded on course completion

Java Web Services: Integrating Web Services with a Database

Price on Request 1 hour 55 minutes
SOAP-based web services for Java applications offer a standardized and scalable means to communicate with external applications. In this course, you'll build a SOAP-based web service app for a fictitious book store that will enable client apps to view, add, update, and delete books whose details are stored in a database. Begin by defining a Book class whose instances can be transmitted between applications using the SOAP protocol. Then, integrate a MySQL database with the web services app and load it with data that will be made accessible to client applications using CRUD techniques. Lastly, host your web service application in a production environment by deploying it to an Apache Tomcat web server. When you're done, you'll know how to use the SOAP protocol to enable client apps to interact with a remote database.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 116
Compliance Standards: AICC

Java: Getting Started with Reflection

Price on Request 1 hour 55 minutes
Reflection is a popular programming technique that accesses and modifies class and object information at runtime. Reflection is available in many programming languages, but Java has an especially powerful set of reflection APIs that reflect - no pun intended - the emphasis that Java lays on type safety. Learn how to access a Java class object. Use reflection APIs to view class fields, constructors, and methods. Create objects for various built-in classes and use reflection to view the class of an object. Investigate the significance of the fully qualified name of a class and how you can use the .forName() method from the built-in class java.lang.Class. Use this method to obtain variables of primitive types and arrays of differing dimensionality. Then use reflection to access modifiers applied to member fields. Upon completion, you'll be able to use reflection in your Java operations with confidence.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 115
Compliance Standards: AICC

Java: Working with Annotations, Generics, & Arrays Using Reflection

Price on Request 1 hour 25 minutes
Annotations on Java code allow you to associate additional metadata with classes, member variables, constructors, and methods. These annotations can be used to perform additional checks or add functionality to your Java code. Use this course to practice using annotations with reflection. Work with both built-in and custom annotations and see how you can access the annotations applied on classes, fields, and methods. Learn why not all annotations can be accessed via reflection. Create your own custom annotation and experiment with various retention policies. Next, examine accessing generics and arrays with reflection. When you're finished, you'll be able to harness the power of reflection to add new functionality to your code and work with generics and arrays.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 86
Compliance Standards: AICC

JavaScript: Advanced Function Operations

Price on Request 1 hour 30 minutes
Functions are first-class members of the Javascript language and this means that they can be used in ways which are not possible in other programming languages. In this 8-video course, learners explore the use of functions as arguments to other functions, as return values of functions, and also how functions can be linked with specific objects when invoked. Key concepts covered in this course include how to assign a function to a variable and pass a function as an argument to another function; how to define and invoke a function which returns a nested function; and learning what data types in Javascript are passed by value and what types are passed by reference. Learn how to create a function from a string using the new keyword; how to use function callbacks to ensure the sequential execution of functions; and how to use the call, apply, and bind methods in order to link a function call to a specific object.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 42
Compliance Standards: AICC

JavaScript: Closures & Prototypes

Price on Request 1 hour 30 minutes
This 14-video course covers closures-the bundle of a function along with its enclosing environment-and its implications on factors such as variable scopes and function references. Key concepts covered here include what makes up a closure in Javascript; learning how variables of the same name inside closures and in scopes outside them are accessed by functions; and distinguishing between variables of the same name inside functions, within closures, and ones defined in a global scope. Begin by observing how to implement counter functions with closures; how to integrate closures with buttons on web pages; and how closures can be created within objects and implications on your code. Next, learn how closures created within loops interact with variables defined within and outside the loop; how to implement getter and setter functions for Javascript objects using closures; and learn when to use prototypes for objects and how to define them. Finally, observe how to distinguish between object prototypes and classes; learn to use prototypes to implement inheritance; and implement multiple levels of inheritance with prototypes.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 88
Compliance Standards: AICC

JavaScript: Form Validation & Async Programming

Price on Request 1 hour
Form validation is a common use case for Javascript. Learners will explore basic steps involved in this process, including an overview of asynchronous programming and the use of promises to handle such code, in this 10-video course. Key concepts covered here include how to define simple registration forms with text, numerical input fields, radio buttons, check boxes and drop-down menu; how to access individual form elements and their data contents from Javascript; and learning when variables are destroyed by Javascript when a form submission navigates users to a different web page. Begin by observing a variety of form validations for different input fields; learning operations which run asynchronously in your Javascript application; and learning how to use promises to chain the execution of two functions where one depends on the results returned by the other. Next, learn a function making multiple asynchronous function calls by using async/await syntax. Finally, observe how to use the fetch function to asynchronously retrieve an image file and relate it to the XMLHttpRequest of AJAX.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 61
Compliance Standards: AICC

JavaScript: Functions & Arrays in JavaScript

Price on Request 1 hour 45 minutes
Learners will discover ways to define and use functions in Javascript, where functions are considered first-class members, in this 14-video course. Explore features of arrays in Javascript, as well as their role in functions. Key concepts covered here include the basic functions and how to invoke them in Javascript; recognizing how var, let, and const keywords affect accessibility of variables in Javascript functions; and how to distinguish between var and let keywords when it comes to scope of variables. Learn to define functions by using concise syntax in ES6 specifications for Javascript; learn to manage errors in an application, whether raised by Javascript or by your own logic using try, catch, and finally blocks; and learn how to create arrays and access and iterate over their elements. Next, learn to use rest parameter syntax to create functions; use the spread operator to expand the contents of arrays; and break down and access components of arrays with array destructuring. Finally, learn how to generate deep and shallow copies of arrays and add and remove array elements.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 104
Compliance Standards: AICC

JavaScript: Getting Started with JavaScript Programming

Price on Request 1 hour 15 minutes
Learners can familiarize themselves with how to use Javascript in conjunction with HTML pages in this 10-video course. Explore different types of variable declarations in the language and ways in which Javascript web apps can relay info to and receive info from end-users. Key concepts covered in this course include learning how to create a simple Javascript app that writes a message to an HTML page; learning how Javascript can be used to communicate with end-users via the HTML page, alerts, and log messages; and learning how to link a HTML page with a separately defined Javascript source file. First, observe how to edit sections of a HTML page by using Javascript and initialize number and string variables; examine the changes in behavior of a Javascript app when Strict mode is enabled; and learn how to distinguish between the var, let, and const keywords when declaring variables. Finally, learn how to differentiate variables that are undefined from those whose values are null; and how to use the alert, prompt, and confirm functions to relay information to and receive input from end-users.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 74
Compliance Standards: AICC

JavaScript: Introduction

Price on Request 1 hour
Explore basic Javascript, one of the most widely used programming languages in the domain of web development, including concepts involved in the programming language, the features which distinguish it from other languages, and its applications. Key concepts covered in this 10-video course include the role of Javascript within a larger web application involving HTML and CSS; learning how browsers render web pages as a structured document object model (DOM); and the high-level properties of the Javascript programming language. Begin by examining properties and features around arrays and functions in Javascript; learning what an object is in Javascript and how it is represented; and learning some of the quirks of the Javascript language, and what distinguishes it from most other high-level languages. Next, learn what closures are in Javascript and what is included within this construct; and learn how common attributes of a set of objects can be defined within a prototype for those objects.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 59
Compliance Standards: AICC

JavaScript: Objects

Price on Request 1 hour 30 minutes
Javascript is an object-oriented language, making objects a crucial topic for any Javascript course. In this 14-video course, learners explore object definitions to object methods and constructors while learning what a "class" is in Javascript. Key concepts covered here include how to create objects containing different types of data and functions and access their properties; and how to initialize empty objects and add/remove properties to/from them. Begin by learning the role of keyword "this" within the scope of Javascript objects; how to use the call method to link a Javascript object; and how to implement an object constructor and use it to instantiate new objects. Next, observe how to use assignment operators and Object.assign method to create new objects; how to use spread syntax and the JSON; and how to prevent changes from being made to an object by freezing it. Finally, learners see how to perform aggregate and filter operations on contents of an array with reduce and filter methods; and check the type of an object by using the instanceof operator.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 91
Compliance Standards: AICC

JavaScript: Types, Operators, & Control Structures in JavaScript

Price on Request 1 hour 10 minutes
Explore features of primitive data types in Javascript such as numbers, strings, and booleans. Examine the methods, operators, and control structures available to work with them in this 11-video course. Key concepts covered here include multiple ways to declare and manipulate numerical data in Javascript; learning how to initialize and manipulate Javascript strings using different techniques; and learning how to use in-built string operations to analyze and modify string types. Begin by learning how to create and manage date types in Javascript, which allows you to work with dates in various forms and initialize date variables and manipulate them. Then learn how to use constants, methods, and random number generators available in the Javascript Math library; learn to apply basic operators on numbers and strings; and observe how to perform logical tests by using if statements and conditional operators. Finally, learn how to convert data from one primitive type to another; and learn how to create while, do-while, and for loops in Javascript.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 72
Compliance Standards: AICC

JavaScript: Working with the DOM & Events

Price on Request 1 hour 20 minutes
Explore different features available in Javascript to manipulate elements of a web page by using its Document Object Model (DOM) structure and how Javascript interacts with a browser by using the Browser Object Model (BOM). In this 13-video course, key concepts covered include how to use the document object to retrieve individual elements of a web page and access their values and properties; how to alter web page contents by modifying a DOM; and how to retrieve children of elements of a web page as an array. Begin by observing how to write a function to generate an animation; how to define event listeners and handlers for clicks on web page buttons; and how to create handlers for events of users by clicking on buttons. Next, learners observe how to use handlers for mouse events on web page elements; how to use the screen, window, and navigator objects of BOM to get information about the end-user's environment; and how to use the window object to interact with the end-user's browser.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 80
Compliance Standards: AICC

Mapping Relationships in Java: Constructors & Polymorphism

Price on Request 1 hour 55 minutes
Runtime polymorphism involves variables of a base class containing objects of a derived class. Java uses dynamic binding to ensure that such variables are a powerful mechanism for writing clean, extensible, and correct code. This course takes you through the use of these advanced Java processes and mechanisms. Examine how constructors work with inheritance, including the order of constructor invocation, the role of base and derived class constructors, and the super keyword. Learn about runtime polymorphism and how this process of determining which implementation of a method to invoke at runtime is known as dynamic method dispatch. As you advance, use compile-time polymorphism in Java through method overloading. By the end of this course, you'll have a solid grasp of constructor invocation and both runtime and compile-time polymorphism in Java.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 115
Compliance Standards: AICC

Mapping Relationships in Java: Modeling Is-a Relationships Using Inheritance

Price on Request 1 hour 40 minutes
Java is an object-oriented programming language, meaning Java programs and frameworks are built on the pillars of inheritance and runtime polymorphism. Inheritance is used to model is-a relationships between classes; such relationships could include either behavior and state or just behavior alone. Use this course to appreciate how classes can be used to model an entity's state and behavior and inheritance to model is-a relationships between two classes. Create various objects of the universal base class Java.lang.Object and of other built-in and custom classes. Use the instanceof operator and the getClass method. Create an inheritance hierarchy out of custom classes. Then, practice using up-casting and down-casting on your objects to explore the relationship between variable types, object types, and inheritance. By the time you're finished, you'll clearly understand how inheritance is a powerful mechanism for code re-use and modeling is-a relationships in Java.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 99
Compliance Standards: AICC

Modeling Entities in Java: Defining Custom Classes & Objects

Price on Request 1 hour 30 minutes
Modeling entities in the real world require you to create custom classes to add to the various built-in classes already provided by Java. Creating such custom classes is key to harnessing the power of object-oriented programming (OOP) in Java. This course focuses on defining such custom classes and then creating objects. Make the most of this course by exploring custom classes, the use of constructors, and modifiers such as private and public. You will also learn the idiomatic Java method of working with getter and setter methods as well as conventions in naming, input parameters, and return types from such methods. After completing this course, you'll not only be able to define custom classes to serve as types in your programs but also instantiate and use objects of these custom classes.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 89
Compliance Standards: AICC

Modeling Entities in Java: Getting Started with Classes & Objects

Price on Request 40 minutes
Classes are a core concept in Java's object-oriented programming model. The class is an abstract type and an object is an instance of that type. Object oriented Java programming allows classes to be instantiated and inherit features from the Java.lang.object. You will learn about member variables, fields, functions, and methods. Learn to instantiate objects of built-in Java classes and invoke methods on them.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 39
Compliance Standards: AICC

Modeling Entities in Java: Methods, Method Overloading, & Constructors

Price on Request 1 hour 30 minutes
Modeling complex entities involves defining and invoking methods and constructors. Furthermore, defining robust and reusable code requires learning important mechanisms for code re-uses, such as constructor chaining and method overloading. Use this course to delve into these important techniques that are required to write clean and maintainable Java code. Learn how to define methods with the same name but different signatures (i.e., different order and type of input arguments), invoke overloaded methods, and add constructors to a class. This course will also enable you to use the 'this' keyword to invoke multiple constructors, also known as constructor chaining. By the time you are done with this course, you will have the skills to use important code re-use mechanisms such as method overloading and constructor chaining in java.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 92
Compliance Standards: AICC

Modeling Entities in Java: Static Members, Arguments, & Method Overriding

Price on Request 2 hour
The best way to avoid mysterious bugs while running your Java code is to be adept at working with static members, argument passing, and object base class methods​. Use this course to master these subtleties: the difference between static and instance variables and methods, the hashCode contract, and how pass-by-value and pass-by-reference semantics play out with argument passing in Java. By the end of this course, you'll be able to model state in classes using both static and instance variables, write methods to avoid unexpected changes in input arguments, and adhere to the hashCode contract so that objects function as expected when placed in common Java containers.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 120
Compliance Standards: AICC

Molten Framework: Advanced Features

Price on Request 1 hour 25 minutes
This course covers the use of features in the Molten framework to make your HTTP APIs meaningful and easy to use and test. You'll begin by connecting your Molten application to a SQLite database, including the creation of a cursor to work with the database. You'll then wire up your app so that all the data sent in using POST requests to a specific route is written out to the database. You'll also define handlers for GET requests for that same data by reading from the database. Next, you'll then look at adding middleware into your app and set this middleware to check request headers for the authorization to invoke requests. You'll also tweak the middleware to distinguish between certain types of requests so that authorization is only required for some of them. You'll also see how you can dynamically generate documentation for your Molten application using the OpenAPIHandler. You'll explore how you can use the OpenAPIUIHandler to produce a Swagger UI, which can be used by developers to test the application and also by users to figure out exactly how to use your APIs. Finally, you'll learn how you can serve images to clients using Molten, including attaching a local file to a Response object and returning it to the client.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 83
Compliance Standards: AICC

Molten Framework: Building HTTP APIs

Price on Request 1 hour 50 minutes
This course introduces you to a breadth of features available in the Molten framework to help you build HTTP APIs. You'll begin by creating a virtual environment, installing Molten and various other libraries such as Pytest to test out your Molten apps, and installing Gunicorn to serve your apps. You'll then move on to creating REST APIs using the Molten framework. You'll create a very basic REST API with only one route that maps to a function and the API to process an HTTP GET request. You'll also explore the use of a QueryParam object to handle query parameters passed in an HTTP request. You'll next test your Molten APIs using Pytest by writing some simple tests to ensure an HTTP 200 status code is returned when a correct request is sent to the server and an error code is returned with the response otherwise. You'll also learn how these tests can be executed and how to analyze their outputs. You'll learn about the processing of POST requests, how to ensure the validity of POST data using a Molten Schema instance, different ways to define a schema, and how to use a forward reference. You'll explore the built-in objects available in the Molten framework and how to pass in a plain Python dictionary containing settings for an app. Finally, you'll see how settings can be saved in an external JSON file and then imported into a Molten app and how to load settings defined within a TOML file.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 108
Compliance Standards: AICC

MySQL: Creating & Updating Tables

Price on Request 1 hour 10 minutes
In this 10-video course, learners can explore how tables in MySQL can be created to match entities and relationships as modeled in an E-R diagram and how MySQL allows the specification of different types of columns and column constraints. Key concepts covered in this course include attributes of keys, super keys, and candidate keys; learning how to model relationships in a real-world scenario for use in a database system; and learning how to specify non-null constraints while creating tables. You will learn how to run simple queries by using wildcards and where clauses; learn about the need for SQL and its important characteristics, SQL-based technologies also known as relational databases; and learn how to designate columns as unique while creating tables. Continue by learning how to perform update operations on data updating the structure of tables as well as the data contained within them in a MySQL relation; and learning how to perform DDL operations, including altering tables to add primary key constraints and dropping tables and databases.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 70
Compliance Standards: AICC

MySQL: Getting Started

Price on Request 1 hour 10 minutes
Explore how database systems allow data to be stored and updated in a robust manner, and queried conveniently by using SQL language, and learn how MySQL can be installed and used from different operating environments. Key concepts covered in this 11-video course include requirements that a database management system needs to satisfy and the importance that consistency of the data in a system always be maintained; how to install MySQL on different platforms; and how to connect to a MySQL server by using a command-line interface. You will learn how to create a database and view a list of databases on a MySQL server; learn how to install MySQL workbench and connect to a MySQL server; and learn model entities in a real-world scenario for use in a database system. Next, explore how to execute commands from the MySQL Workbench environment; learn perform basic database operations such as inserting and querying data; and learn how to view table metadata and delete data from tables.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 68
Compliance Standards: AICC

MySQL: Grouping & Aggregation Operations

Price on Request 55 minutes
Learners can explore how to use grouping and aggregation operators to analyze groups of rows rather than just individual rows, in this 8-video course. In it you will learn how to perform filtering operations on groups of rows. Then examine the GROUP BY clause, one of the most important syntactic constructs in SQL. You will learn how to use the GROUP BY clause to analyze groups of rows aggregated by common attribute values. Next, learn about aggregate functions such as SUM, COUNT, MIN, and MAX, and how they are used with GROUP BY clauses. You will learn how subqueries can be leveraged by using the ANY, SOME, and ALL keywords. You will learn how to implement multi-way joins in MySQL, and how the HAVING clause adds to the effectiveness of the GROUP BY construct by allowing groups of rows to be filtered based on specific conditions. Finally, this course explains the differences between the WHERE clause and the HAVING clause, which applies conditional filters to groups of rows rather than to individual rows.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 57
Compliance Standards: AICC

MySQL: Querying Data

Price on Request 1 hour
Explore how MySQL continue to play an important role in complementing both data warehouses and programming language based frameworks, in this 10-video course. Learners will observe how MySQL tables can be queried by using classic SQL syntax and how common types of queries tie closely to common patterns in table design. Key concepts covered here include how to write queries to explore entity and relationship data, including foreign keys; how to translate entity-relationship models into actual database table schemas; and learning about correct data types and constraints for specific columns in a table schema. You will learn how to use relational and logical operators in WHERE clause of MySQL queries; how to use LIKE and IN operators, as well as pattern matching with wildcards in queries; and how to use subqueries to perform complex logical operations. Next, learn to implement referential integrity checks by using foreign key constraints. Finally, you will learn how to perform filtering operations on date columns; and how to use LIMIT and ORDER BY clauses in MySQL queries.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 61
Compliance Standards: AICC

MySQL: Transactions, Savepoints, & Locks

Price on Request 1 hour 25 minutes
This 14-video course explores how to execute groups of commands in an all-or-nothing fashion. Learners will examine how locks are used to regulate table access when multiple clients are accessing the database simultaneously. First, you will explore the ACID properties (atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability) of database management systems. Next, you will learn how transactions, a unit of work which needs to be executed in an all or nothing fashion, work in MySQL. Next, learners you will examine the start transaction keyword, how transactions are defined as committed or rolled back. You will examine implicit commits, operations which create, alter, or drop database entities, such as databases or tables, and how these operations are affected by transaction commits and rollbacks. Learners will observe DDL (data definition language) operations in MySQL. Continue by exploring savepoints, specific checkpoints where the copy of a system state is created, and release savepoints when they are no longer needed. Finally, the course examines the precise semantics of read and write locks in MySQL.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 87
Compliance Standards: AICC

MySQL: Triggers & Stored Procedures

Price on Request 1 hour 25 minutes
Learners can explore how triggers can be used to react to specific conditions in your database, and how stored procedures can be used to achieve code reuse and code composition of SQL commands, in this 12-video course. You will examine how triggers, which are described as actions or groups of logic, and special stored procedures, that are executed by the MySQL database when certain specific events occur. This course demonstrates how to use several types of triggers, and the use of foreign keys. You will learn how to use the ON DELETE and ON UPDATE cascade functionality. Then learn how to create stored procedures, which are bits of SQL code, queries, or other operations, which can be saved, given a name, and then invoked at will. Observe how to invoke stored procedures, to redefine stored procedures, and then examine advance and intricate stored procedures. Finally, this course demonstrates how to construct an elaborate stored procedure.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 83
Compliance Standards: AICC

MySQL: Understanding & Implementing Joins

Price on Request 1 hour
This 10-video course explores how to use joins to combine data from different relations in meaningful ways. Learners will examine why joins are such a powerful and ubiquitous concept in data analysis. Begin by observing how SQL features several types of joins, and how these can be understood, and will examine each type of join in depth. You will examine the cross join, which is the simplest kind of join, and is also known as a Cartesian join. Then examine inner joins, which can be expressed as a combination of the cross join operator along with a filter. This course continues by examining the three types of outer joins, the left, the full, and the right outer join. You will explore natural joins, which could be an inner or an outer join where two additional conditions are satisfied. You will examine several features of the join keyword. Finally, this course demonstrates how to use MySQL platform to support several varieties of different joins types.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 59
Compliance Standards: AICC

MySQL: Views, Indices, & Normal Forms

Price on Request 1 hour 20 minutes
This 13-video course explores how indexes work to speed up query execution, and how views can be used to abstract complex queries in a convenient fashion. Learners will explore advanced abstractions in MySQL, including a view, which is a virtual table, and indices. Then you will learn how to use views to build abstractions for complex and common query operations in your use case. You will examine indices, which are auxiliary data structures which are maintained by a DBMS (database management system). Next, learn how to use an index on a database to make queries fast and easy. You will examine normal forms in database design, a standard set of rules to test the design of a table. This course demonstrates how to apply the analysis of normal forms to optimize the structure of your relations, and then to use appropriate indices to speed up query execution on them. Finally, this course demonstrates first, second, and third normal forms, and how to fix violations.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 79
Compliance Standards: AICC

OOP in C++: Copy Constructors, Nested Classes, & Namespaces

Price on Request 1 hour 30 minutes
A copy constructor in C++ classes is a specialized method used to create an object from another object of the same class. Other specialized C++ methods include nested classes and namespaces, which organize different classes in a logical and coherent manner while avoiding name conflicts. In this course, learn how to specify and use a copy constructor. Next, discover how classes and functions can be marked as friends. Finally, examine how nested classes can be defined and used in C++ and practice using namespaces to modularize your code. After completion of the course, you'll be able to create and implement a custom copy constructor, access private variables using friend functions and classes, and store functions and classes in namespaces.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 102
Compliance Standards: AICC

OOP in C++: Getting Started with Object-oriented Programming

Price on Request 1 hour 25 minutes
C++ is an object-oriented programming (OOP) language wherein developers model real-world entities, create classes, and instantiate objects of classes. In this course, learn how the object-oriented programming approach functions at a conceptual level. Discover how class act effectively as blueprints and explore member variables. Then, examine class definitions in your C++ programs and practice instantiating objects of those classes. Next, learn how to perform simple operations on those objects, invoke methods on them, and access and examine their member variables. Finally, learn how to modularize your code and declare a class in the header file. After completion of the course, you'll be able to define classes, instantiate objects, and split class implementation and declaration.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 85
Compliance Standards: AICC

OOP in C++: Instantiating Objects Using Constructors

Price on Request 50 minutes
A constructor is a special method of a class invoked when an object of that class is created. Constructors have a fair bit of complexity, and can be chained to achieve code reuse and marked as explicit to avoid unexpected type promotions and object creation. In this course, examine the important aspects of constructor syntax, such as specifying default arguments and correctly using initialization lists. Next, learn how to chain constructors and retain most of the code functionality in one constructor. Finally, learn how constructors might be invoked automatically by the C++ runtime to create objects for method invocations. After completion of the course, you'll be able to correctly initialize variables using initialization lists, connect constructors using constructor chaining, and create structs.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 49
Compliance Standards: AICC

OOP in C++: Using Static Members & Destructors

Price on Request 1 hour 30 minutes
Static means something different in C++ compared to C. In C, static refers to a storage class for storing specific types of variables. In C++, static refers to member functions and variables associated with the entire class. In this course, learn how to mark a member variable within a class as static, initialize a static member variable, and access it from methods within and outside the class. Next, discover how static member functions can be used for class-level behavior. Finally, learn how to define and use a destructor. After completion of the course, you'll be able to create and use static variables, access them using the scope resolution operator, and instantiate and deallocate a pointer in constructors and destructors.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 55
Compliance Standards: AICC

OOP in C++: Using the this Pointer & const Members

Price on Request 1 hour 5 minutes
When a member function is invoked on a particular object, that object is known as the receiver. Within the body of the member function, you can access the member variables of the receiver using the "this" pointer. In this course, discover how the this pointer works and practice using it to access states. Next, learn about constness in object-oriented programming and the restrictions for what such methods can do. Finally, learn how to use the mutable keyword to mitigate constness. After completion of the course, you'll be able to access member variables from within member functions, create const and non-const objects and functions, and use the mutable specification to identify states that can be changed without changing the meaning of the object.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 65
Compliance Standards: AICC

OpenCV: Advanced Image Operations

Price on Request 1 hour 10 minutes
Many image processing operations involve complex math, but when using OpenCV, much of that is abstracted from the developer. In this course, you'll gain a high-level understanding of advanced image operations in OpenCV. You'll begin by recognizing how to apply different blur operations to an image. These range from simple blurs to Gaussian and median blurs. While doing so, you'll examine their specific advantages and disadvantages and how to distinguish between them. Moving on, you'll outline how to highlight objects in an image using edge detection and augment images by adding shapes and objects to them. Finally, you'll discover how to work with pre-trained classifiers to detect people in an image and perform morphological transformations to emphasize or suppress specific parts of an image.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 68
Compliance Standards: AICC

OpenCV: Introduction

Price on Request 1 hour 5 minutes
A cross-platform library, OpenCV facilitates image processing and analysis. In this course, you'll discover fundamental concepts related to computer vision and the basic operations which can be performed on images using OpenCV. You'll begin by outlining how to read images from your file system into your Python source in the form of arrays and then save an image array into a local file. Next, you'll explore color images represented as a combination of blue, green, and red channels, how to convert color images to grayscale, and how grayscale images are defined. Finally, you'll perform basic operations on images by investigating how to combine two images using an add operation and make one of the added images more prominent than the other using a weighted addition. Conversely, you'll also perform a subtract operation using two images.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 67
Compliance Standards: AICC

OpenCV: Manipulating Images

Price on Request 1 hour 20 minutes
Images often require to be manipulated to extract meaningful portions of an image or prepare them for a machine learning pipeline. OpenCV can help with this. In this course, you'll investigate a variety of image manipulation operations using OpenCV. You'll begin by recognizing how to filter certain portions of an image using bitwise operations. Next, you'll explore the concept of masks and how to use them while extracting parts of an image. You'll then outline how to apply geometrical operations by resizing an image to specific dimensions and discover challenges that such operations present. You'll finish the course by examining image transformations such as rotations and translations to help orient an image to your requirements. Finally, you'll discover how to flip and warp images to present them from a different perspective.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 80
Compliance Standards: AICC

Operations with petl: Advanced Extractions & Transformations

Price on Request 1 hour 15 minutes
Petl facilitates and streamlines tasks related to data extraction and manipulation, often required by software developers to make data fit for actionable business intelligence (BI). In this course, you'll work with complex operations in petl and outline how to extract data from a source and convert it to a format that complies with your requirements. You'll begin by investigating the use of regular expressions to analyze, search, and extract specific rows and columns in a petl table. You'll then create transform functions and apply them to your data. These include operations on numeric as well as string fields. Moving on, you'll implement sort operations to organize data in a petl table and arrange it in a sequence that suits your purposes. Finally, you'll investigate how to perform joins and set operations on data tables and meaningfully reduce the data in them using aggregation functions.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 75
Compliance Standards: AICC

Operations with petl: Basic Data Transformations

Price on Request 1 hour 35 minutes
Software development often requires manipulation of data that has been extracted from different data sources to make it compatible with the user's specifications and requirements. petl's data transformation features can help achieve this. In this course, you'll investigate fundamental data transformations that can be performed using the petl library. You'll demonstrate how to load data into a petl table, filter columns, and combine multiple tables using different forms of concatenation operations. Next, you'll outline how to convert data in a petl table into a form that is compatible with your requirements. This includes transforming strings to numbers, applying calculations to numeric fields, and replacing specific values in the table. Lastly, you'll explore ways to filter content in petl tables using the facet() function and different select operations.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 94
Compliance Standards: AICC

Operations with petl: Introduction

Price on Request 2 hour
Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) tasks help in collecting and manipulating data from diverse sources to fit the user's requirements. In this course, you'll explore different interfaces available in the petl library and perform basic ETL tasks using petl. You will begin by examining how to import data from various data sources, including delimited text files, Microsoft Excel, and structured JSON data. You'll also recognize how to load and save data in these formats. Next, you'll outline how to integrate petl with a relational database using SQLAlchemy and SQLite3. Finally, you'll perform transform operations on data using different petl features to filter specific data needed by you. Once you have completed this course, you'll have a clear understanding of the role played by petl in simplifying ETL tasks.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 122
Compliance Standards: AICC

Patterns in Programming: API Design Patterns

Price on Request 1 hour 45 minutes
In this course, you'll learn about a number of API design patterns, including behavioral, creational, structural, and adapter, as well as design anti-patterns, and software refactoring techniques. You'll start by examining the overall importance of design patterns, behavioral design patterns and their implementations, and see how to create the iterator design pattern. You'll then explore creational and structural design patterns and the implementation of each, as well as how to create the singleton and adapter design patterns. Next, you'll learn about design anti-patterns and the different types, and software refactoring and refactoring techniques for solving architectural coding problems. Lastly, you'll examine the API pattern principles and the basic design patterns for implementing API resource layout and naming.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 103
Compliance Standards: AICC

Patterns in Programming: Patterns in API Programming

Price on Request 1 hour 40 minutes
Design patterns help programmers resolve common issues by formalizing best practices. In this course, you'll explore API-specific patterns and how they relate to API services. You'll start by learning about the differences between stateful and stateless API patterns, as well as content negotiation, URI templates, Design for Intent, and how each relates to API services. You'll then move on to examine the methods for performing versioning, bulk operations, and pagination with API services. Next, you'll learn about methods for performing sorting and filtering, as well as API notification and error logging with API services. Lastly, you'll see the differences between REST and SOAP API web services and when to use each, as well as how to implement both a RESTful and SOAP-based web service.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 99
Compliance Standards: AICC

Pen Testing for Software Development: Penetration Testing SDLC, Team Structure, & Web Services

Price on Request 1 hour 15 minutes
Penetration testing in the Software Development Life Cycle helps create a safe and secure end product and minimizes financial and legal risk. In this course, you'll learn where penetration testing fits in the SDLC, the differences between pen testing and developer, and the importance of developer contributions to pen testing. You'll then examine the pen testing team structure and the tasks of the pen testing blue, red, and purple teams. Next, you'll explore the importance of pen testing web services and APIs, what is involved in API pen testing, and the available tools for pen testing APIs. Lastly, you'll learn how to perform a pen test on a REST API, as well as how to perform a pen test using Burp Suite.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 73
Compliance Standards: AICC

Pen Testing for Software Development: The Penetration Testing Process

Price on Request 1 hour 25 minutes
Penetration testing can identify both known and unknown vulnerabilities and help avoid security breaches. In this course, you'll learn the importance of penetration testing, what system hardening is, and the requirements of penetration testing. You'll then examine the differences between penetration testing and vulnerability assessments, as well as the various types, stages, and methods of penetration testing. Next, you'll learn about white box, black box, and gray box penetration testing, and the differences in penetration testing methodologies. You'll see the available tools for performing penetration testing, as well as the types of outputs resulting from penetration testing. Lastly, you'll learn about penetration testing best practices and how to perform a penetration test.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 86
Compliance Standards: AICC

Pointers and References in C++: Allocating Memory with New & Delete Operators

Price on Request 1 hour 25 minutes
C++, like C, has powerful support for memory allocation and deallocation. In the world of C, these operations are performed using malloc() and free(), which are not to be used in the C++ world. In classic C++, memory allocation and deallocation are performed using the new and delete operators. You will begin this course by understanding the new and delete keywords, and note how these lead to the invocation of the underlying constructors and destructors on whatever objects are being worked with. In contrast, the C versions, that is, malloc() and free(), do not invoke constructors or destructors. You will then move on to the use of array new and array delete, which is how the new and delete followed by square brackets are referred to. Finally, you will look at the differences between const pointers and pointers to consts.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 85
Compliance Standards: AICC

Pointers and References in C++: Getting Started with Pointers

Price on Request 1 hour
As a superset of C, C++ also has support for pointer variable types that point to specific memory locations. While the pointer types function similarly, the terms related to pointer variables have evolved from C to C++ and modern C++, as you will see in this course. Begin this course by creating pointers to values and arrays. You will then move to the use of the nullptr keyword, and see how it differs from the NULL value used in C. Finally, you will create pointers to vectors and maps. After completion of this course, you'll have a solid foundation of using pointers to stack memory locations in C++ and create pointers to vectors and maps.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 58
Compliance Standards: AICC

Pointers and References in C++: Using Smart Pointers in Modern C++

Price on Request 1 hour 40 minutes
Dynamic memory allocation and deallocation in C are performed using malloc() and free(). In classic C++, dynamic memory allocation and deallocation are performed using new and delete, and array new and array delete. In modern C++, it's smart pointers that take over. Begin this course by examining the idea behind smart pointers. You will then explore the different types of smart pointers, including unique pointers, shared pointers, and weak pointers. Discover why weak pointers are required in some cases to avoid circular references that can cause memory leaks. After completing this course, you'll be able to use smart pointer objects, leverage RAII to use shared, unique, and weak pointers, and avoid circular references using weak pointers.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 99
Compliance Standards: AICC

Pointers and References in C++: Working with References

Price on Request 45 minutes
C++ supports a variable type known as the reference. You can think of references as being easier-to-use, lighter-weight versions of pointers. Begin by getting familiar with the syntax and semantics of references in C++, including the use of the & symbol to denote a reference type. Note some important differences between references and pointers, how references need to be assigned when they are created, how they cannot be reassigned or set to NULL, and how multiple references to the same underlying value are all effectively aliases for that value. Move on to declaring and using variables of reference type. Finally, learn about const references and experiment with different configurations of loops, where the loop variables are references, value types, and const references. Upon course completion, you'll be able to define and initialize variables of reference types, contrast pointers and references, and correctly use const references.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 46
Compliance Standards: AICC

Processing Batch Data: Spring Batch Configurations and Transformations

Price on Request 1 hour 20 minutes
Processing vast amounts of data is an essential organizational task, which can become complicated with customized solutions. Luckily, Spring Batch makes batch processing easy to execute regardless of the types of data involved. Use this course to learn how to develop and configure a Spring Batch process for different data sources and destinations. You'll use Java annotation-based configurations to set up the beans for a Spring Batch process, read data from a relational database, write its contents to a JSON file, and perform the reverse transformation. While doing so, you'll apply various Spring and Spring Batch components, such as a RowMapper, an ItemPreparedStatementSetter, and customized data type adapters. Upon completion, you'll be able to use Spring Batch to build enterprise-grade solutions for various cases.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 82
Compliance Standards: AICC

Processing Batch Data: The Fundamentals of Spring Batch

Price on Request 1 hour 25 minutes
For most organizations, processing large amounts of data is an essential task. However, it's often done using unoptimized and difficult-to-maintain solutions. Spring Batch rectifies these constraints, making batch processing a lot more efficient. Use this course as both a theoretical and practical introduction to Spring Batch. After a theoretical overview, learn how to build a batch process to transform CSV data to XML. In doing this, set up an ItemReader to read from a CSV file, an ItemProcessor to transform the data, and an ItemWriter to write the data to an XML file. When you've completed this course, you'll be able to identify how Spring Batch addresses the common limitations of batch processing and set up and run a Spring Batch application.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 86
Compliance Standards: AICC

Refactoring API Code

Price on Request 1 hour 15 minutes
Code refactoring can make code more manageable and efficient, and reduce technical debt. In this course, you'll learn about the need for refactoring, best practices, and benefits of refactoring code. You'll then examine technical debt and how to manage it, how to determine whether or not to refactor, and how refactoring relates to test-driven development. Next, you'll explore available tools to aid in the refactoring process, and the classes of various code refactoring methods and features. You'll continue with an examination of the code refactoring methods of coordinating data, and simplifying Boolean expressions, method calls, and class hierarchies. Lastly, you'll explore the process of refactoring code to move towards a microservice architecture.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 76
Compliance Standards: AICC

Reusable API Code

Price on Request 1 hour 30 minutes
Reusable API code can translate into quicker development and release times. In this course, you'll learn about the different types of reusable code patterns and best practices when using each. You'll examine the creation of reusable code using a multi-tier software architecture process, a component-based development process, and an API First development process. You'll then learn the differences between API documentation, specifications, and definitions. Next, you'll move on to look at how to implement both a multi-tier software application and a component-based library. You'll explore the differences between APIs and web services. Finally, you'll learn about reusable REST API web services and how to implement them.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 66
Compliance Standards: AICC

Serialization in Java: Getting Started with Object Serialization

Price on Request 1 hour 25 minutes
Serialization in Java allows the conversion of the internal state of an object to a byte stream. On the other hand, deserialization enables the recreation of the original object from the byte stream, thus facilitating data transfer. Learn how to define Java classes that are serializable using this course. Explore the use of the Serializable marker interface and the serialVersionUID, and the Externalizable interface. You'll also learn more about backward compatible and backward-incompatible changes, the use of the transient modifier to mark states that should not be serialized, and the conditions under which Java will serialize objects with nested references. When you are finished with this course, you will have the skills and ability to use serialization and deserialization to work with byte streams, stored to files or transferred over a network.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 84
Compliance Standards: AICC

Serialization in Java: Using JSON in Java for Serialization & Parsing

Price on Request 1 hour 15 minutes
The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format is a widely used data format for serializing the internal state of objects to a structured and human-readable format. Take this course to explore the org.json library, which offers powerful features and constructs for the serialization of Java objects to the JSON format and parsing JSON files and structures. Investigate how JSON in the Java library offers more powerful functionality to work with JSON as compared to the JSON Simple library. You'll also explore the use of different methods to create JSON arrays, discover the nuances of working with each of these methods and how they differ from each other. You will have the skills and the ability to use the powerful features of JSON in the Java library to perform JSON serialization and parsing after finishing this course.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 77
Compliance Standards: AICC

Serialization in Java: Using JSON Simple for Serialization & Parsing

Price on Request 1 hour 15 minutes
When building applications, there is often the need to represent objects using a wire protocol that is both structured and human-readable. The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format is a popular and widely used data format for this very purpose. Use this course to get familiar with how JSON format is used to represent data. Examine how simple primitives, entities, and arrays are represented in JSON and the use of JSON Simple library to create JSON objects. You'll also learn more about the SAX-based interface, the JSON Simple library, and the JSONAware and JSONStreamAware interfaces. After completing this course, you will have the knowledge to work with JSON data, serialize structures to the JSON format, and parse JSON data to get Java objects.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 76
Compliance Standards: AICC

Software Requirements Planning

Price on Request 55 minutes
In this course, you'll explore the software requirements engineering process and how it applies to API software development, including gathering and validating requirements, and prioritizing features. You'll start by examining the key elements of the requirements engineering process, and how to work with stakeholders, including stakeholder identification, methods for turning stakeholder demands into requirements, and coaching stakeholders with regards to their requirement selection. You'll then learn techniques for identifying requirements, best practices for turning requirements into software specifications, and techniques for prioritizing features. Next, you'll discover tips for identifying hidden requirements and creating a requirements traceability matrix. Lastly, you'll explore planning requirements for API development, how to apply requirements engineering to software development lifecycles, and how to validate software requirements.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 56
Compliance Standards: AICC