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Programming Languages - VII (Online Courses)

Elevate your career trajectory with our premier online course, designed to sharpen your competitive edge. Explore our curated selection of top-tier digital programs to hone your skills and propel your professional journey forward. Experience transformative learning tailored to empower your career advancement in today's dynamic landscape.
Course Category
Price on Request
Start Learning
This Course Includes
  • 54 hours 55 minutes
    of self-paced video lessons
  • 56 Programs
    crafting your path to success
  • Completion Certificate
    awarded on course completion

Program Flow

Price on Request 50 minutes
Just starting with Clojure? Learn the fundamentals of programming with Clojure, including basic syntax and program flow, and how to use Leiningen to build Clojure programs.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 48
Compliance Standards: AICC

Programming in the IoT Arena

Price on Request 1 hour 5 minutes
In the Internet of Things (IoT) arena, there are two major programming platforms - Java and .NET. Explore programming language support/frameworks for Internet-aware, IoT-resident mobile and embedded devices
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 66
Compliance Standards: AICC

Reactive Programming Methods

Price on Request 1 hour 30 minutes
Explore reactive programming concepts in Java by taking this course. It explores Java reactive methods and how to perform operations with RxJava. You will begin by studying marble diagrams, map and flatMap operations. You will look at common Boolean functions used with Observables, and complete a groupBy operation and a cast operation via RxJava. Other topics include how to apply an RxJava filter method, how to define a timeInterval operator and use a timestamp. Further concepts include using the scan operator to implement an accumulator function. As you progress, you'll discover how to combine two Observables with a Java zip function and work with the RxJava concat method. Then finally, as a review exercise, you will reactively filter and transform data.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 40
Compliance Standards: AICC

ReactJS & Grunt

Price on Request 30 minutes
Why write code that's already written? Libraries are toolkits used to simplify the development of JavaScript-based applications by offering prewritten JavaScript. Learn how ReactJS and Grunt are used with JavaScript.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 32
Compliance Standards: AICC

Remote Methods, Events, & Filters

Price on Request 40 minutes
The LoopBack framework allows you to add logic to your application, as well as work with and query data. Learn about remote methods, operation hooks, context information, events, deleting data, and filters.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 40
Compliance Standards: AICC

Retrieving, Querying, & Mapping Rich Application Data

Price on Request 1 hour 10 minutes
Learn how to limit server data fetch frequency, as well as retrieve model data, force a remote data fetch, and query the local cache with Breeze. In addition, explore mapping partial data entities and projection queries in a JavaScript SPA.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 68
Compliance Standards: AICC

Routes, Resources, & Controllers

Price on Request 55 minutes
Ember.js uses the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern. Examine how to work with views and controllers, examine routing and enumerables, and use browser development tools to debug Ember applications.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 53
Compliance Standards: AICC

Routing, Jade, & Views

Price on Request 45 minutes
Learn how to use the powerful routing capabilities built into Express, including route paths, handlers, and interfaces. In addition, explore the use of the Jade template engine, using views, and the MVC pattern.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 44
Compliance Standards: AICC

Securing MVC5 Applications

Price on Request 1 hour 15 minutes
Security is always an issue for any application. Learn how to secure your applications using authentication filters, and how to use the features of the Identity framework in MVC applications.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 75
Compliance Standards: AICC

Security Using JSP Tags & Expressions

Price on Request 1 hour 5 minutes
The Spring Framework is one of the most popular application development frameworks for creating enterprise Java applications. Discover how to secure Spring applications using some of the various features of Spring Security.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 65
Compliance Standards: AICC

Selecting in jQuery and Basic Animation

Price on Request 1 hour 5 minutes
jQuery simplifies the process of using HTML for your websites. Learn how to select by class, ID, or attribute in jQuery, and how to work with basic animation, style changes, and queues.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 65
Compliance Standards: AICC

Simple Build Tool (SBT) & Scala.js

Price on Request 1 hour
Because Scala mixes programming paradigms, it can present a challenge to programmers coming from other languages. Explore the Simple Build Tool (sbt), dependencies, ENSIME, and Scala.js.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 61
Compliance Standards: AICC

Sinatra Fundamentals

Price on Request 1 hour 30 minutes
At the core of Sinatra is the ability to respond to routes. Learn how to install and use Sinatra with the Thin server, work with various aspects of route configuration, and look at the use of templates, views, and models.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 72
Compliance Standards: AICC

Spring Application Basics

Price on Request 55 minutes
The Spring Framework is one of the most popular application development frameworks for creating enterprise Java applications. Explore the basics of the Spring Framework.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 57
Compliance Standards: AICC

Spring Expression Language

Price on Request 50 minutes
The Spring Framework is one of the most popular application development frameworks for creating enterprise Java applications. Explore the Spring Expression Language, the safe navigation operator, and system properties.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 51
Compliance Standards: AICC

Spring Security & Database Security

Price on Request 1 hour 30 minutes
The Spring Framework is one of the most popular application development frameworks for creating enterprise Java applications. Explore the basics of adding security (authentication and authorization) to a Spring application.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 76
Compliance Standards: AICC

Styling Page Elements & Data

Price on Request 45 minutes
Make your data stand out. Discover how to configure tables with CSS3 for effective presentation of content, including spreadsheets and calendar data.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 45
Compliance Standards: AICC


Price on Request 50 minutes
While similar to Java, Kotlin's syntax is not compatible with the ubiquitous language. Explore the basic syntax of Kotlin, including packages, types, variables, strings, and conditionals. During this course, you will see how to create comments in Kotlin applications, implement Kotlin packages, practice null safety, perform string operations, and program conditional structures. Then, as a review exercise, you will create a basic Kotlin application with comments, variables, and strings.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 48
Compliance Standards: AICC


Price on Request 20 minutes
Learn how to create and use stores, work with models, convert hard-coded data to JSON, and use Ajax to update data on a server. In addition, explore working with containers, layouts, and components in the Sencha Ext JS framework
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 19
Compliance Standards: AICC


Price on Request 55 minutes
Discover how to create a form, render a view, edit records, configure and use LocalStorage in Sencha Touch. In addition, learn how to download the Android SDK, enable Cordova support, create an emulator, and use ConfiGAP.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 53
Compliance Standards: AICC


Price on Request 1 hour 40 minutes
As with any development project, testing is required to ensure the application performs as expected. Learn how to test the various components of a Rails application, and examine some tools available to help make testing easier
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 98
Compliance Standards: AICC

Text & Flow Control

Price on Request 45 minutes
Knockout is a JavaScript library used to develop user interfaces. Discover how to use bindings to control text and its appearance, and how to work with control flow bindings in Knockout.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 44
Compliance Standards: AICC

The C Preprocessor & Optimization

Price on Request 45 minutes
Improve the performance of your C programs! Learn how to use dynamic memory allocation (DMA) and the C preprocessor to optimize C programs.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 47
Compliance Standards: AICC

The core.async Library

Price on Request 1 hour
Having an in-depth understanding of Clojure's core.async library is vital for creating asynchronous programs. Explore the core.async library, channels, and the put & take built-in functions.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 59
Compliance Standards: AICC

The SAS Environment

Price on Request 1 hour 15 minutes
There is a variety of SAS environments available to you as a SAS programmer, and the one you use will depend on the underlying SAS system. Explore SAS and the various systems, including the SAS Studio web interface.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 77
Compliance Standards: AICC

TypeScript Essentials: Getting Started

Price on Request 1 hour 10 minutes
Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 has been developed with features explicitly targeted at TypeScript development. Explore Visual Studio TypeScript functionality, and learn about types and debugging TypeScript code.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 70
Compliance Standards: AICC

UI Features and Functions

Price on Request 55 minutes
It is easy to customize the user interface of your web pages with jQuery. Discover how to work with UI elements such as checkboxes and textboxes, animation, and UI autocomplete.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 53
Compliance Standards: AICC

Unions & File Management

Price on Request 45 minutes
In C, a structure data type and a union are similar. Learn to use unions in your C programs, as well as how to work with and manage files.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 46
Compliance Standards: AICC

Using Essential Features and Functions

Price on Request 1 hour 20 minutes
jQuery has a number of features and options to tailor your pages to your requirements. Learn how to work with elements, including modifying, cloning, and wrapping, and how to use the datepicker and mouse options in jQuery.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 82
Compliance Standards: AICC

Using Templates & jsRender Paths

Price on Request 30 minutes
It's important to have a good understanding of templates when using JsRender. Discover how to compile and use templates, and use paths for rendering data.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 30
Compliance Standards: AICC

Utility & Object Functions

Price on Request 1 hour 15 minutes
In the Underscore.js library, Utility functions provide utility, with or without input, or a particular input type, while Objects functions work on objects. Explore some of the functions from these two categories.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 77
Compliance Standards: AICC

Validations, Scopes, & Callbacks

Price on Request 55 minutes
In Rails, models are the gateway to the database. Here you'll learn how to perform validations, and work with virtual models including model callbacks.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 57
Compliance Standards: AICC

Views & Routes

Price on Request 50 minutes
Increase your knowledge of JavaScript SPAs by learning about MVC 5 controllers, including configuring controller routes using C# and VB. In addition, explore adding MVC 5 and partial views with C# and VB.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 51
Compliance Standards: AICC

Web Application Libraries

Price on Request 1 hour 20 minutes
JavaScript can be scaled to work across browsers but may not be consistent from one browser to another. This is where libraries and frameworks come into play. Explore the basic concepts of using web application-related libraries.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 79
Compliance Standards: AICC

Whole Page Controls & Extending Bootstrap

Price on Request 1 hour 10 minutes
Discover how to use controls and prepare helper classes to design the look and feel of a web page. During thiis course, you will learn how to customize the various navigation tools and other components that make presentations look professional. You will look at navigation by tab, pills, and DDL. Study the Navbar, breadcrumbs, pagination, panels, labels, headers, Jumbotrons, and wells. Add plugins and view examples. See how to program JavaScript to respond to various web page events. Finally, as a review exercise, you will use navigational components to build a navigation menu.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 72
Compliance Standards: AICC

Working with Advice

Price on Request 1 hour 5 minutes
The Spring Framework is one of the most popular application development frameworks for creating enterprise Java applications. Explore aspect oriented concepts in a Spring application with a focus on advice.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 63
Compliance Standards: AICC

Working with Arrays

Price on Request 1 hour 10 minutes
In the Underscore.js library, functions in the Arrays category are designed to take an array as input. Here you will learn how to work with a number of the functions in the Arrays category.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 68
Compliance Standards: AICC

Working with Arrays & Restructuring and Merging Data Sets

Price on Request 50 minutes
Merging data is a fundamental function of data manipution. Combining loops and arrays simplifies processing of repetitive data with minimal coding. Explore arrays and techniques for restructuring and combining data, including match merges.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 52
Compliance Standards: AICC

Working with Assemblies and Methods

Price on Request 55 minutes
In .NET, your code is stored in either dynamic link libraries or EXEs and the term assembly refers to both .NET DLLs and .NET EXEs. In this course, you'll learn how to call code that is stored in another assembly. You'll explore scoping and partitioning with namespaces, how to use namespaces, as well as DLL references and how to use code from a DLL. You'll examine how to store configuration settings for your program outside of the executable using the application configuration file. In this course, you'll also learn about static methods and parameters. You'll explore how to write and call methods, an example of a static method, and how to add a static method to a program. Next, you'll examine the basics of method parameters and return values, as well as named and optional parameters. You'll also learn about overloading methods, basic control flow, looping, and how to return a value from a method. This course was originally created by Global Knowledge (GK).
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 54
Compliance Standards: AICC

Working with Collections

Price on Request 1 hour 20 minutes
In Underscore.js, the functions in the Collections category work on a range of inputs, such as arrays, objects or lists. Learn how to get started with Underscore.js, and how to use functions in the Collections category.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 78
Compliance Standards: AICC

Working with Content & Configuration

Price on Request 1 hour 10 minutes
Sinatra is a web application framework written in Ruby. Learn how to work with attachments, content streaming, and various aspects of application configuration to support sessions, cookies, caching, and error handling.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 71
Compliance Standards: AICC

Working with Data, AJAX, & External Templates

Price on Request 1 hour 10 minutes
JsRender is a framework for rendering HTML dynamically and is ideally suited for working with data. Learn how to manipulate data, work with AJAX, and utilize external templates in JsRender.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 69
Compliance Standards: AICC

Working with DO Loops & Proc SQL

Price on Request 30 minutes
Loops are the key to some of the more powerful features of SAS programming. Discover how to work with DO loops and Proc SQL.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 29
Compliance Standards: AICC

Working with Elements

Price on Request 50 minutes
CSS3 has a wide range of options for configuring web page elements. Discover how to work with color, apply borders, and add other styling features to elements.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 51
Compliance Standards: AICC

Working with Entity SQL

Price on Request 20 minutes
Examine Entity Framework, including the Connection, Command, and Reader types, as well as reading and updating data and implementing transactions with Entity SQL.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 21
Compliance Standards: AICC

Working with Events

Price on Request 35 minutes
An event in jQuery occurs when a user interacts with a web page using the mouse or keyboard. Discover how to work with events and event handlers, including how to capture, change, and submit events.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 34
Compliance Standards: AICC

Working with Files & Databases

Price on Request 40 minutes
Programming languages are designed to interact with external objects such as files, databases, and web servers. Explore programming techniques associated with file access and database interaction.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 42
Compliance Standards: AICC

Working with Functions

Price on Request 1 hour 10 minutes
Functions contained in the Functions category of Underscore.js are designed to take a function as a parameter. Discover how to use the size and reduce, sorting and grouping, and the bind and wrap functions.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 72
Compliance Standards: AICC

Working with Knockout

Price on Request 50 minutes
Knockout has a range of features to support dynamic development of UIs. Learn how to work with some of these features, including single-page applications, templates, binding syntax, and custom bindings.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 50
Compliance Standards: AICC

Working with Modular Applications & Rack

Price on Request 1 hour 15 minutes
In common with Ruby frameworks, Sinatra uses the Rack interface. Learn how to use the Rack middleware with Sinatra, as well as how to generate subclasses to create and work with modular Sinatra applications.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 75
Compliance Standards: AICC

Working with Plugins

Price on Request 55 minutes
Although jQuery and jQuery UI provide a number of tools, plugins, and helpers for most web development tasks, sometimes, you need to take it to the next level. Discover how to create your own plugins when a custom solution is required.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 54
Compliance Standards: AICC

Working with Properties and Enums

Price on Request 45 minutes
The setting and getting of values in an instance of a class is a very common pattern in C# programming. In fact, .NET has a mechanism called properties that allows the coder to call set and get methods. There are still get and set methods implemented and being run behind the scenes, it's simply that properties look nicer than having get and set methods scattered through the code. In addition to making the code cleaner, the .NET properties feature also encodes the semantics of being able to set and get properties of an instance. In this course, you'll learn how to use properties to improve the interface of your classes. You'll examine the motivation for properties and learn how to expose a private field as a property. Finally, you'll explore how to define an automatic property and set properties in an object initializer. This course was originally created by Global Knowledge (GK).
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 47
Compliance Standards: AICC

Working with Rich Application Data

Price on Request 1 hour 5 minutes
Discover how to use editable view bindings, track and cancel on-screen changes, save model data updates, work with dropdown lists in views, prompt for saving before leaving a view, and save and restore changes made offline in a SPA.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 67
Compliance Standards: AICC

Working with Sinatra

Price on Request 1 hour 5 minutes
Take an in-depth look at Sinatra! Here you'll learn how to work with advanced features, such as extensions, helpers, and databases, create a REST service, and manage assets, code reloading, and deployment.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 66
Compliance Standards: AICC

Working with Tests

Price on Request 1 hour 5 minutes
There are a number of features in JUnit for enhancing and expanding tests. Explore test suites and categories, JUnit tests, timeouts and rules, test data, use theories and mock objects, tests with Maven, and testing in legacy code.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 67
Compliance Standards: AICC

Working With Validation

Price on Request 1 hour 10 minutes
Learn how to implement custom data validation rules on the client and server, use Breeze validation, gather Breeze entity errors, parse Breeze entity error messages on the client, and display validation errors in a JavaScript SPA.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 69
Compliance Standards: AICC