The journey of becoming a dive instructor includes the following courses: Open Water, Advanced Open Water, Emergency First Response, Rescue Diver, Divemaster and Dive Instructor. In addition, trainees must take the Tools for Success 80-hour course, which is a prerequisite for the PADI Training Program. Trainees must have been medically evaluated and cleared by a physician within the previous 12 months.
To enroll in a PADI Open Water Diver course you need adequate swimming skills and need to be in good physical health. No prior experience with scuba diving is required. All trainees enrolling in the course will be provided with a rental BCD/regulator. A mask, fin and snorkel will be selected as part of the class (Included in the course cost). Completion of Coral Restoration Diver specialty will be part of this course. Trainees will gain valuable experience in the following areas:
Testing: There are 4 PADI quizzes provided after each section that are pass/fail and the final exam at the end of the course must be passed by 75%.
Testing: 200 meter swim test and 10 minute float test
Course Completion: 2-4 weeks
Textbook: PADI Open Water Diver Manual; Product # 79180 (Rev. 10/07) Version 2.09
PADI Advanced Open Water Diver certification course helps build confidence and expand your scuba skills through different Adventure Dives. Trainees will participate in ten (10) dives during the course. The Lion Fish cull certification will be included with this level of training.
Trainees try out different specialties while gaining experience under the supervision of your PADI Instructor. Trainee log dives and develop capabilities as he/she find new ways to have fun scuba diving. Trainees will gain valuable experience in the following areas:
Testing: There are 5 PADI quizzes after each section. All quizzes are pass/fail.
Course Completion: 2-4 weeks
Textbook: PADI Adventures In Diving Manual; Product # 79101 (Rev. 11/08) Version 2.09
The PADI Rescue Diver/EFR course prepares you to deal with dive emergencies, minor and major, using a variety of techniques. There are five (5) educational sections to complete and then a series of twelve (12) training evaluation exercises to be completed in the water wearing full scuba equipment.
Through knowledge development and rescue exercises, trainees learn what to look for and how to respond. During rescue scenarios, you put into practice your knowledge and skills. This course will lead up to the Divemaster certification. Trainees must complete twenty-six (26) dives.
Trainees will gain valuable experience in the following areas:
Test: No written testing
Course Completion: 6-8 weeks
Textbook & Equipment: PADI Rescue Diver Manual; Product # 70080 Version 2.0; Emergency First Response, Participant Manual CPR/AED ( Copyright 2007, ISBN 1-878663-55-0); Emergency First Response, Participant Manual Primary & Secondary Care (Copyright 2006, Product # 70091 (Revision 10/06) Version 3.0)
The PADI Divemaster course teaches trainees to be a leader and take charge of dive activities. There are five (5) comprehensive educational sections that will challenge trainees. Through knowledge development sessions, water skills exercises and workshops, and hands-on practical assessment, trainees develop the skills to organize and direct a variety of scuba diving activities. Trainees must have at least 40 logged dives to begin this course and 60 dives to earn certification. Trainees will gain valuable experience in the following areas:
Test: There are 5 written exams. Each exam must be passed by 75%.
Course Completion: 12-16 weeks
Textbooks & Equipment: Divemaster manual version 3.0; Encyclopedia of Recreational Diving (paperback version); Divemaster slates version 3.0; PADI Instructor manual; Divemaster application; eRDPML (access card); Trainees are also required to view the Divemaster DVD (70844E/F/S) and have an RDP table (60099 imperial or 60054 metric) to complete the exam.
Instructor training will focus on PADI methods and refinement of demonstratable skills. Completion of this level involve Go Pro Diving. All trainees at this level must have six (6) months of diving experience since their first Open Water Certification date.
Course: 2-4 weeks
Test: There are 5 module exams. Each exam must be passed at 75%; There will be 1 Instructor final exam that must be passed by 75%.
Practical Assessments: There are 5 elements to Practical assessments. Trainees will be scored on a scale of 1-5, (1 being the lowest, 5 being the high score)
Textbooks & Equipment: Open Water Prescriptive Lesson Guide CD-ROM, Open Water Exam, Open Water Cue Cards/Slates, and the Student Skill Practice Slate. Study Materials Guide to Teaching (with hologram) Best of the UJ, Children & Scuba, Business of Diving - on CD Law and the Diving Professional book Slates Confined Water Lesson Planning Slates Open Water Lesson Planning Slates Confined Water Instructor Cue Cards Open Water Instructor Cue Cards Adventures in Diving Instructor Cue Cards Rescue Diver Cue Cards Quizzes and Exams Open Water Quiz and Exam booklet Rescue Diver Exam booklet Divemaster Exam booklet Miscellaneous Applications and Forms PADI backpack Positive Approach Selling DVD Specialty Instructor Manual (Digital Version)